L20 8 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

L20 8 is a postcode sector in Sefton, UK. Below is a complete list of L20 8 Postcodes (Active). L20 8 postcode sector comprises of 87 active postcodes. L20 8 sector has a population of 293, and it has 135 properties in the region.

Browse Information On L20 8 postcode sector

L20 8 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 293
Addresses / Property Count 135
Active Postcodes 87
Nearby Postcode Districts 65
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of L20 8 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 87 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
L20 8AB 53.44520200 -2.99728000 N/A N/A 333859 394734
L20 8AD 53.43494100 -2.99354800 N/A N/A 334091 393589
L20 8AE 53.44699400 -2.99799900 N/A N/A 333814 394934
L20 8AF 53.43570400 -2.99367100 N/A N/A 334084 393674
L20 8AH 53.44593100 -2.99612300 N/A N/A 333937 394814
L20 8AL 53.44488200 -2.99594900 N/A N/A 333947 394697
L20 8AN 53.44454700 -2.99633200 N/A N/A 333921 394660
L20 8AT 53.44756400 -2.99644700 N/A N/A 333918 394996
L20 8AU 53.43905500 -2.99192800 N/A N/A 334205 394045
L20 8BH 53.43971500 -2.99259100 N/A N/A 334162 394119
L20 8BR 53.43803600 -2.98886300 N/A N/A 334407 393929
L20 8BX 53.43743800 -2.98748000 1 2 334498 393861
L20 8DB 53.44241200 -3.00090300 N/A N/A 333614 394427
L20 8DD 53.43122300 -2.99755500 N/A N/A 333819 393179
L20 8DF 53.43672300 -2.99768400 N/A N/A 333819 393791
L20 8DJ 53.44006100 -2.99941800 N/A N/A 333709 394164
L20 8DL 53.44106000 -2.99817700 N/A N/A 333793 394274
L20 8DN 53.44055700 -2.99831600 N/A N/A 333783 394218
L20 8DQ 53.44004400 -2.99941800 N/A N/A 333709 394162
L20 8DR 53.43823700 -2.99713200 N/A N/A 333858 393959
L20 8DT 53.43816800 -2.99705600 N/A N/A 333863 393951
L20 8DY 53.43431300 -2.99451100 N/A N/A 334026 393520
L20 8EA 53.43669200 -2.99486800 N/A N/A 334006 393785
L20 8ED 53.42759700 -2.99598100 N/A N/A 333918 392774
L20 8EE 53.44972000 -3.00217500 1 1 333541 395241
L20 8EG 53.44901100 -3.00184100 N/A N/A 333562 395162
L20 8EJ 53.43554800 -2.99738500 N/A N/A 333837 393660
L20 8EL 53.43449500 -2.98986400 N/A N/A 334335 393536
L20 8EQ 53.43337000 -2.99354200 N/A N/A 334089 393414
L20 8ER 53.43463800 -2.99018500 N/A N/A 334314 393552
L20 8ET 53.43315600 -2.99099200 N/A N/A 334258 393388
L20 8EW 53.43272300 -2.99224700 N/A N/A 334174 393341
L20 8EX 53.43269700 -2.99126800 N/A N/A 334239 393337
L20 8HB 53.43700200 -2.99022500 N/A N/A 334315 393815
L20 8HE 53.44169500 -2.99439900 N/A N/A 334045 394341
L20 8HG 53.44123900 -2.99410200 N/A N/A 334064 394290
L20 8HJ 53.44057900 -2.99444700 N/A N/A 334040 394217
L20 8HL 53.43795200 -2.99146500 N/A N/A 334234 393922
L20 8HN 53.43819600 -2.99251100 N/A N/A 334165 393950
L20 8HT 53.44003400 -2.99311000 N/A N/A 334128 394155
L20 8JB 53.43513300 -2.98882600 N/A N/A 334405 393606
L20 8JD 53.43695400 -2.99037300 N/A N/A 334305 393810
L20 8JG 53.43664100 -2.99358800 N/A N/A 334091 393778
L20 8JJ 53.43768700 -2.99323600 N/A N/A 334116 393894
L20 8JT 53.43824000 -2.99467800 N/A N/A 334021 393957
L20 8JW 53.43950200 -2.99434700 N/A N/A 334045 394097
L20 8JX 53.44282400 -3.00010000 N/A N/A 333668 394472
L20 8JZ 53.43878700 -2.99259900 N/A N/A 334160 394016
L20 8LA 53.44687100 -3.00001500 5 12 333680 394922
L20 8LD 53.44492900 -2.99897600 3 4 333746 394705
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